Darth Vader Conducting an Orchestra Performing the Imperial March

(YouTube Link)

Darth Vader did not approve of how the conductor of the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra was leading a performance of The Imperial March, so he stepped in to do the job himself.

In the links, you'll find a longer video of this event from CNN.

via Topless Robot | CNN Video | Orchestra Website

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I was at that concert, the Icelandic Symphony was playing a selection of John Williams' movie themes and soundtracks, and the entrance of Darth Vader came as a big surprise =)

The Vader costume is even more impressive if you see the other videos from the same poster on youtube, the costume is home made!

Cheers from Iceland...
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Something like this happened to me once. I was playing trumpet in a small Rhode Island community orchestra, and we were rehearsing at the RI Community College campus. While we were rehearsing the Star Wars theme, in walked Darth Vader. We all nearly had heart attacks. This was not planned --- rehearsals for some minor modern play, in which Darth Vader was a character, were taking place down the hall and the actor decided to wander in when he heard the music.
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According to the dictionary, a statute is:
1. A law enacted by a legislature.
2. A decree or edict, as of a ruler.
3. An established law or rule, as of a corporation.
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