What is it? Game 113

This week's collaboration with the What is it? Blog brings us this strange looking device - can you guess what it is for?

Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, however, you can guess as many times as you'd like. Post no URL or links - let others play.

No prize this week - you're playing for bragging rights only. For more clues, check out that What is it? Blog. Good luck!

Update 10/30/09 - the answer: A policeman's blackjack or sap, for striking miscreants on the head, this was on display with a pair of handcuffs and a different type of blackjack that looked like a small club. Congrats to Tim Giachetti who got it right first!

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This is a Bolanga, a device for controlling staliions, used on ranches in Bolivia.

When a mare goes into heat the neighboring stallions will jump fences to get at her, so to stop this they attach the bolanga to the testicles of the stallion. One experience of jumping a fence will train a stallion for life.

Oddly enough, In Bolivia 'Bolanga' is slang for 'divorce lawyer.'
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If I had ancestors that were Pinkerton thugs, I would be too ashamed to mention it in public. Too unskilled to have real jobs, or even be mercenaries, so they just went around beating and shooting people that the rich told them to attack. Good people.
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I can't quite tell from the angle, but I think it might be an ancient type of ladle. The handle has a tube running through it and there are holes on the bottom.

You dip the ball into water, let it fill up, then plug the tube with your thumb. Pressure keeps the water inside the ball, and you can then pour the water out as you will.
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