Top Ten Weirdest Halloween Handouts

Candy is dandy, but some folks aren't prepared for trick-or-treaters (or else they're just mean). We all know the neighborhood dentist who gives out toothbrushes instead of candy. Here's a selection of alternative "treats" people have been known to disappoint trick-or-treaters with on Halloween.
8. Condiments and Cutlery

Probably from bachelor types who forgot it was Halloween – answered the door because they thought it was the pizza guy – and then mined their condiment stash so as not to disappoint. Though little containers of peanut butter and jam are passable, plastic packs of soya sauce, ketchup, relish, mustard, and plastic fork and knife sets really don’t do the trick for a treat!

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Peachi.

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Love the ice cube TRICK idea, thanks for that. I always give out ketchup and mustard packets. The kid's only see the pack of twinkies in my hand, but I eat those after they all leave and my condiments are gone. Sometimes, I merely THUMP their bag and they walk away convinced they scored big. Kid's are so gullible...
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Steve Sax from the LA Dodgers gave out toothbrushes when I trick or treated at his house in the mid 80's. They weren't even name brand toothbrushes, just some flimsy dime-store kind you use on your grout. Mine was blue.
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My disappointment in halloween was how boring my friends were. From 11-18 they either ignored the holiday altogether or dressed as "punk rockers" basically short skirts and colored hair spray.
I on the other hand would be Diana from V, A pirate wench, an astronaut in dress blues, a dead cheerleader.
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