A Face For Chrissy

Ten years ago, Chrissy Steltz lost her eyes, nose, and part of her face when another teenager fired a shotgun from five feet away.  She has been denied prosthetic surgery because the Oregon Health Plan considered the procedure "cosmetic", but thanks to her doctor and some charitable friends, she'll soon have a new face.
Her injuries haven’t stopped her from living: she’s been teaching blind children life skills.  “Life is what you make it,” she said.
And now she and her partner, Jeffrey, who’s also blind, are raising their 2-month-old baby boy, which leaves no time for self-pity.  “Just because you have a tragic thing happen in your life, it doesn’t mean that your life is over,” she said.
Link with Video
Previously on Neatorama- America's First Face Transplant
Video stills above courtesy KATU TV.

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October 2nd, 2009 at 6:06 pm
“Cosmetic”?!? Just another example of how insurance companies have waaaaaay too much control over medical procedures."

Uhh, trish? Yeah, that's not an insurance company policy. That's the Oregon State public healthcare plan - supposedly a model for how the Democrat's plan should work. So I guess if you want that to pass, you better hope you never get shot in the face.
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"The sooner you get some public health insurance over there, the better."

Humphrey, the sooner you get some brains over there, the better. She already is on public health care, moron. It was public health care that has denied her treatment. And this is how it will soon be for all of us here. Great, huh?
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Oh, and all the hysteria being written about public healthcare is amazing. I am British and this girl would have been treated on the NHS. Of course she would. One of my friends works in the prosthetics department of an NHS hospital and he is very busy arranging prosthetics for hundreds of patients. My mum had breast cancer and was offered cosmetic surgery on the NHS after her mastectomy. She decided not to bother with it and was given a prosthetic boob by the NHS instead (her choice). My friend also had a mastectomy and received cosmetic surgery from the NHS. So if you believe national health care would never offer prosthetics or cosmetic surgery you are simply wrong.
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I always think of librarians as sexy, sadly Ive yet to meet a one that lives up to the fantasy.

Visions of a leggy bookworm letting her hair down in slow motion and flinging off her glasses
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