The World's Longest Bridge Will Be 25 Miles Long

Image: Artist's Rendering, MENA Infrustructure

The Qatar-Bahrain Friendship Causeway will connect the Persian Gulf states of Qatar and Bahrain over a 40 km causeway. Construction is scheduled to begin next year at a cost of $2.3 billion. The structure will include both a roadway and a railway, and will reduce travel time between the nations to a mere 30 minutes. Once completed it will become the longest bridge in the world, surpassing the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the U.S., which is 38 km long. At the link, you can view a comparative graphic.

Link via Gizmodo

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It's only 40k, fish. If you can't hold it 30 minutes or remember to gas up before hand... well, I have nothing to say, so I'll just mock you silently. ;)
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