Hair Today...

The creations of celebrity hairdresser Charlie le Mindu were on display yesterday during London fashion week.

At left is a sample from a gallery of 14 images assembled at The Guardian.  There are other entries in the collection that would make Cher (and Cthulhu) green with envy...

Link.  Photo credit: Samir Hussein/Getty Images

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Hair today...
gone tomorrow.

How can anyone take this seriously? People in the background are straight-faced. The models look all serious. If I were there, I'd be laughing so hard my diaphragm would rupture.

My favorite one was the giant sphere of black hair with a peekhole for the eyes. The hair collar one was super functional, I can totally imagine getting that ready in the morning to wear that day. And the braids one? Who needs breathing and eating--not me! I wanna be fashionable!
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