84 Strange Buildings From Around the World

The blog Instant Shift has compiled pictures of 84 bizarre and unique buildings scattered across the world. A few have already been featured on Neatorama, but most have not yet been posted here. Pictured above is the Crooked House of Sopot, Poland. It was designed by architect Szotynscy Zaleski and built in 2004. Zaleski was inspired by the fanciful work of Polish artist Jan Marcin Szancer, a fantasy and children's literature illustrator.

Link via The Presurfer

Image by flickr user lostajy used under creative commons license.

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I'm more amazed seeing #7 in a list featured on neatorama! I was born in Yalta and lived there for 16 years and this building never looked somewhat special to me.

so cool
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I was just at the Dancing Buildings (#6) in Prague a few weeks ago! The locals call it the Fred and Ginger Building. There's a decent restaurant with a great view of Prague Castle on the roof of Ginger.

I think the upside-down church (#1) has been moved from Vancouver to Calgary.

Unfortunately, the House Attack (#20) on the Leopold Museum in Vienna must have been temporary, it wasn't there two weeks ago.

I'm surprised the Building of Slovak Radio in Bratislava isn't on this list! It's an immense brutalist upside-down pyramid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_of_Slovak_radio
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