Pool-Playing Robot

(YouTube Link)

Deep Green is pool-playing robot created by students at the robotics laboratory of Queen's University in Canada. Students have worked on it for the past three years, gradually improving its abilities against human opponents:

The system is currently playing at a better-than-amateur level. One current weakness, however, is with the break. The special purpose end effector is powered by a linear electric actuator, which can reach speeds of up to 3 m/s. For a strong break, however, a cue speed of ~ 15 m/s is required. The objective of this project is therefore to design an auxiliary subsystem for the end-effector to be used exclusively for breaks. The subsystem could make use of the current cue, or it could append an additional cue to the end-effector. It is likely that the subsystem will be actuated pneumatically, although other options may be considered. The subsystem must also be compact enough so as not to interfere with the other elements of the end-effector.

Link via CrunchGear

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another new type of robot...
It would be much nicer if the pool playing ability was incorporated to a humanoid robot like i.e. asimo. I believe that time approaches very fast.

Recently I saw a lot of different kinds of robots like this one on the net. Just in the last few weeks, I was amazed to watch a super fast and precise robot hand, ball juggling robot, self assembling robot etc... You can also see more of these different robots at http://www.roboticmagazine.com/various.php
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Notice that for the robot's shots the balls are already preset on the table, similar in the way that you would set up the balls for a "trick" shot. I would like to have seen the robot shooting from a random assortment of balls after a break so we know that the placement of balls on the table was truly random, and that the robot had to analyze the best shot from several possible shots.
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