Early Risers Are Mutants

Frustrated with those around office who brag about how early they got up?  It appears that genetics plays a role in one's sleep habits ... and that the tendency of getting up early is caused by a mutation:

In 2001, geneticist Ying-Hui Fu and colleagues identified a mutation in a gene called Per2 that appeared to cause familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (FASPS).

In 2005, they uncovered another mutation associated with FASPS. And now they say they have found the first genetic mutation in humans that appears to affect sleep duration rather than sleep timing. The mutation lies in DEC2, a gene that codes for a protein that helps turn off expression of other genes, including some that control circadian rhythm, the internal clock that regulates a person's sleep-wake cycle.

The findings, says Fu, could lead to better treatments for sleep disorders.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by OddNumber.

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If God had meant for mornings to be enjoyed, He would have put them later in the day. (An original of mine - but you may quote me under the creative commons attribution. ;) )
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I'm a mutant.

Never have used an alarm clock and I find it peaceful to watch the sun rise, and pretty much lay down when it sets.

I've functioned all my life with about 5-6 hours of sleep a day. (yep, modern psychology has seen fit to medicate me for it. WTF is hypermania? I'll come over and show you while I paint your house in 4 hours after I stop the meds.) :P
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