Food Face Kid's Dinner Plate

Food Face Kid's Dinner Plate - $11.95 each

If your kid doesn't find dinner time enjoyable, maybe this will help make meals fun: Food Face Kid's Dinner Plate. The plate has a picture of a face that your kid can decorate with food. Pasta hair, mashed potato beards, and string bean eyebrows - the possibilities are endless!

Check out the plate as well as our growing list of neat dishware, drinkware and flatware over at the Neatorama Online Shop: Link

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You kids have it easy. When I was your age my pappy would smear the noodles right in my hair and slather a mashed potato beard onto my face and, dagnabit, we liked it that way!
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really cool idea.. but it's not a new one.

I had a few similar plates when I was a kid. there's a picture on my mothers wall, circa 1981, where I'm decorating my "face plate" with birthday cake.
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