The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

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In December of 1995, astronomers did a risky experiment with the Hubble Space Telescope. They pointed it to a region in space the size of a speck of dust that is seemingly empty and kept the telescope watching for 10 days.

They could've very well ended up with a blank image - but what they saw instead was something completely mindboggling.

Here's a wonderful clip by Tony Darnell of Deep Astronomy about the Hubble Ultra Deep Field that illustrates just how humblingly small us humans are in the grand scheme of the universe.

- via gizmodo

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by arbyn.

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Hubble is in low Earth orbit so it's not stationary in space, and yes - like seekshelter said, it was risky in terms that they might not have come up with anything (while spending valuable telescope time).
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did anyone even listen to it? he said it was risky because use of the telescope's time was hard to come by. especially with the hubble and its shelf life... it was possible that they could point it out at the dark patch and find nothing at all thereby wasting 10 days that could have been used for something else. additionally, there is the cost of the data transmissions that they would have to pay for...which isn't cheap.
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