Skating Down a Roller Coaster

German daredevil Dirk Auer established a new world record when he raced down a 860-meter wood roller coaster track in under a minute. He maintained an average speed of 56 mph on custom skates that he built himself:

'After this some of the sides were so high that at times I was at 90 degrees and so it was very important to have as much traction as possible. Luckily everything went according to plan - it was a lot of fun.'

Mr Auer, from Gross-Gerau near Frankfurt, is considered to be the most extreme in-line skater in the world.

He already holds the world record for reaching speeds of 190mph as he was dragged along behind a Porsche GT2.

Link via Hell in a Handbasket

Comments (12)

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Newest 5 Comments

Wow that looks like tons of fun to be honest but those skates were built to cgrab the sides of the coster (like the roller coster cars are meant to do) so its not like he could easily roll of all he really had to do is have some pretty big balls, hold on tight, and pray he doesnt fall back...Haha
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