Roboticists Argue for Robot System of Ethics

Since scientists are out to kill us again, what with flesh-eating robots, ethicists and roboticists have called for revisions to Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics:

A human-robot co-existence society could emerge by 2030, says Chen in his paper. Already iRobot’s Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner and Scooba floor cleaner are a part of more than 3 million American households. The next generation robots will be more sophisticated and are expected to provide services such as nursing, security, housework and education.

These machines will have the ability to make independent decisions and work reasonably unsupervised. That’s why, says Chen, it may be time to decide who regulates robots.

If it was up to you, what laws would you program into robots?


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Robot laws are scifi nonsense. As effective as UN laws or any other idealistic set of rules created to give us the illusion of creating safety. Nothing has ever been successfully banned or controlled. Regulations and force through superior technology can hinder things, but not prevent that which people want in their weapons, drugs, or killing machines to use on their enemies. See the
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