Bride's Bouquet Brings Down Plane

At a wedding in Suvereto, Italy, the plan was to have the bride's bouquet thrown from an microlight plane flying over the wedding party. A line of women were waiting for the bouquet below. Then things got weird.
... the flowers were sucked into the plane's engine causing it to catch fire and explode.

The aircraft plunged into a hostel. One passenger on the plane was badly hurt.

But about 50 people who had been in the hostel escaped unscathed, as did the pilot.

Isidoro Pensieri, who tossed the bouquet from the plane, suffered multiple fractures and was taken to a hospital in Pisa. Link -via Arbroath

(image credit: Flickr user godutchbaby)

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I am retired wedding photographer and never saw a bouquet from a plane. 30 years of traditional weddings and the most I ever saw was a drunk groom pass out. Fell like a tree.

But then I was a blue collar photographer not many extravagant weddings in my portfolio. Sorry someone got hurt but it's still funny, just not as funny as wkrp and the flying turkey.
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People should do exactly what THEY want at their wedding, not what some of you think they should do. This is incredibly sad and tragic, strange time to criticize someone's taste.
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Oh thats great, so now it is Italians who are excessive instead of just human egos, huh? What about the AMERICAN couple who spent so much money on their zero-gravity wedding that they admitted they would probably be paying for it for the rest of their lives? What about all of the stupid couples on those "reality" shows like Bridezillas and Wild Weddings, ect. Humans from all over the globe are excessive and ego-driven enough to put on these kinds of ostentatious displays at their weddings, don't try to characterize Italians as the ones who are excessive.
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Hey that is a real classic. That will never happen again ever.Uh life is good and God has a snese of humor. Maybe the Bride should go out for baseball. That is a good one. Should have been there brings a whole new translaton to it . No one will ever forget that day as long as they live. Feel for the Birde lol. hey a good move there Bride. She will not ever live that down.
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