Converting a Church (Yes, With Its Own Cemetery) Into a Home

Sure it's got high ceilings and amazing stain glass windows but wouldn't you feel a little bit intimidated taking showers and sleeping in this house? After all, it used to be the House of God ...

Apparently, it didn't bother Sally Onions and Ian Bottomley - the couple converted a Georgian church in Kyloe, Northumberland, England (complete with its own cemetery outside) into a residential house.

All About You has a gallery of photos of the converted house (from the House Beautiful magazine): Link (if you don't like clicking through the photos, SwipeLife has kindly um, "borrowed" all the photos)

Previously on Neatorama: Man Converts Church Into a Home

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Akiro, of course buildings differ in quality and awesomeness. But, a church doesn't have to meet in a fancy building to be a church.
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My dad renovated a church into a home and left the large area where the congregation would meet empty. It was awesome you could ride your bike it there. It was definitely not heated or cooled ever though, so you had to put your coat on to cross from one part of the house to another.

Although one thing that was awesome was the fact that the belltower was still there. It was always tons of fun to ring the bell.
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