Japanese Robots Facing Layoffs

Although I approve of striking a blow against our would-be overlords, this move seems to be needlessly antagonistic:
Japan's legions of robots, the world's largest fleet of mechanized workers, are being idled as the country suffers its deepest recession in more than a generation as consumers worldwide cut spending on cars and gadgets. At a large Yaskawa Electric factory on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, where robots once churned out more robots, a lone robotic worker with steely arms twisted and turned, testing its motors for the day new orders return. Its immobile co-workers stood silent in rows, many with arms frozen in midair. They could be out of work for a long time. Japanese industrial production has plummeted almost 40 percent and with it, the demand for robots.

It's only a matter of time before rioting, unemployed robots kill us off, or take over and enslave us to work in their mines. Better go get some insurance now.

Link via Geekologie

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As another laid-off guy, I hope the robots are taken out of the blue collar force and made CEO's. This bullshit would never have happened without greedy human error. The robot revolt ( and ours, as well ) should start at the top !
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As another laid-off guy, I hope the robots are taken out of the blue collar force and made CEO's. This bullshit would never have happened without greedy human error. The robot revolt ( and ours, as well ) should start at the top !
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