Key with Keyring Built In

Sometimes the answer is so obvious that it's silly to think that no one has though of it before, but here it is: a key with a keyring built right in!

The Split Key Ring is the latest creation of engineer/artist/mad scientist Scott Amron of Amron Experimental:

Link - via Core77

Previously on Neatorama:
- Scott Amron's Die Electric Art Exhibit
- Dead New York Leaves
- Designer Band-Aid: Leather Luxury For Your Boo-Boos

Comments (13)

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So, bear with me.

Assume that this idea gains traction, and eventually all keys used by human kind sport this feature.

So then what happens when all your keys have that built-in keyring?

What do you put the keys on then?

Each other?

Or does the universe just implode into a giant singularity extinguishing all life as we know it?

Some things shouldn't be trifled with in the Natural Order of Things.
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The extra amount of freedom of movement that comes from having keys on rings on another ring makes it much easier to find and use the one you want. Having them more constrained would drive me up the wall.

Neat idea - but fails to solve a real problem.
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