Here's another case of science proving what we all knew in the back of our minds. Men pretty much agree on what makes a woman attractive, while women have their own ideas about what is attractive in men. A survey led by Wake Forest University psychologist Dustin Wood showed pictures of people to 4,000 adults of all ages, and had them rate the photographs for attractiveness on a scale of one to ten.
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(image credit: Flickr user mod as hell)
Men's judgments of women's attractiveness were based primarily around physical features and they rated highly those who looked thin and seductive. Most of the men in the study also rated photographs of women who looked confident as more attractive.
As a group, the women rating men showed some preference for thin, muscular subjects, but disagreed on how attractive many men in the study were. Some women gave high attractiveness ratings to the men other women said were not attractive at all.
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(image credit: Flickr user mod as hell)
Comments (9)
I don't know about anyone else but I am tired as hell of men being portrayed as mono-dimensional meat bags ruled only by instinct and women being portrayed as erratic over-thinkers ruled only by the blowing wind.
And for all the people who read the article and said "oh yes it's true, cuz that's exactly my experience" there are a bunch more saying the opposite.
Pseudo science at it's most pointless.
I also think that not all men want the same thing or find the exact same things attractive. Way to insult women and call their boyfriends liars.
Then again, they might get pissed if you tried to help them... Hard to say. Hmm.
They do have very exacting physical standards, but at the same time some women have these ideal types they make up in their heads.
Females also have much more underlying socioeconomic criteria (does he look well-off/mature/sociable) than males, who usually settle for a conventionally beautiful woman no matter if she looks rich poor etc etc.