Before you eat that oh-so-delicious piece of salmon sashimi, consider this: sushi (as well as undercooked fish) may be contributing to the growing problem of urban tapeworm ...
Once the bane of rural Japanese villagers, a paper in the June issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases reports on the spread of the the salmon tapeworm Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense. The parasite, which can reach lengths of 39 feet (12 meters), has been steadily increasing its global distribution and prevalence – mostly among yuppies with a hankering for sashimi and ceviche.
One hospital in Japan reported 14 cases last year, up from 3 cases in 2000. And starting in 2006, the tapeworm has been popping up for the first time in North America and Europe. Meanwhile, farm-raised salmon from South America have been plagued by a closely related tapeworm that normally infects perch and other freshwater fish.
Comments (11)
Undercooked salmon is another issue altogether. Since it is not prepped to be eaten raw, undercooking is very dangerous. Those fish meant to be eaten raw (anything in a sushi bar) are prepped with parasites in mind. Even tuna, which is a deep water ocean fish, is often frozen before being served 'fresh' and raw.
If you go to a good sushi restaurant, parasites will not be a problem. You are at a far greater risk eating undercooked beef and chicken at a western restaurant.
Fish is one of the most dangerous foods you can eat. Their environment is totally unregulated and polluted daily. I can't see how people even LIKE fish unless you're in some fancy New England restaurant right on the water where you know the fish is fresh... well fresher.
1. Bridezillas
2. Extravagant Italians (possibly links to the mob)
JackAss lll.
See - that just leads to playground taunts. We all have opinions, and many of us voice them. No one is immune to criticism and we all have the right to judge other people, that's what holds society together. If no one were allowed to voice criticisms anyone could do just anything they like - that's not a great place to live.
Where did this attitude that it's not OK to judge people come from, anyway? Why can't I say it's silly? I don't mind other people saying things I do are silly - if we were only allowed to be nice to people we'd soon have someone complaining that we weren't being nice /enough/ or were nice in the wrong sort of way.
The turkey give-away episode of WKRP was the funniest sitcom episode EVER!!!
But then I was a blue collar photographer not many extravagant weddings in my portfolio. Sorry someone got hurt but it's still funny, just not as funny as wkrp and the flying turkey.