The Furniture Alphabet by Cody Haltom

Photo: Adam Voorhes

Designer Cody Haltom Ad agency The Butler Bros. (Thanks Marty!) created this set of alphabet for a Houston-based home furnishing store High Fashion Home, out of the furnitures in the store. Clever, ain't it? Link - via Josh Spear

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And yet, if you saw one of those pictures out of this alphabetical context, would you have noticed the resemblance to a letter?

Instead, you may wonder why the bed is tilted on its side...?
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free online games for kids, I don't think it would be very useful to children. The only reason we can see it so well is because we are so used to reading and writing that we can make and see the connection straight away. I think it would just confuse children who are just learning how to read and write
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