Homemade R2D2s

The Bay Area R2 Builders showed off four fully-functioning R2D2 units at Maker Faire. They cost around $10,000 to build, and take a couple of years of work. http://www.wired.com/video/builders-construct-10000-fully-functional-r2d2/24892334001 to video report. Link to website.

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The hell with Artoo. I want an obsequious, effeminate C3P0 I can beat with a baseball bat when I get pissed off.

Ok, that was harsh. But I hate that character.
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Very interesting to see these R2D2's evolve into the real thing as technology gets better and better. And then one fine day somewhere in the future, someone will proudly present a reallife R2D2 that has as much intelligence and capacities as the movie-character. That'll truly be a Wow-Moment.
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