Prisoners Smuggle In Stuff with a Toy Chopper

Remember the story of how prisoners in Brazil have been smuggling in cell phones using pigeons?

Well, that's low tech compared to what these other prisoners did:

Four suspects were arrested late on Sunday outside a maximum security facility in the southern town of Presidente Venceslau in Brazil's Sao Paulo state after the mini-chopper, 14 mobile telephones and the equivalent of 500 dollars in cash were found in their rented car, according to reports in local media.


Note that this is also in Brazil: what's up with that? Can't they smuggle things the good ol' fashioned way - in their butts - just like all other prisoners do in the rest of the world?

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Three pigeons and a mini chopper fly into a prison bar and…

One pidgeon says to the other, "In my day, you needed a crow to make a phone caw."
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