This would be the vehicle of my dreams: the Hover Scooter, a mix-up between a motorbike, a scooter and a hovercraft. Seen here on a test run in 1960. Tweed jacket and tie are optional.
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diskursdiskoFrom the Upcoming ueue, submitted by diskursdisko.
Comments (4)
pwns on the segway.
I dare say, they are not. Anytime one goes about the countryside, one should be properly attired in a manner befitting their conveyance.
Next thing you know we'll be having to endure people driving their motorcars without gloves or scarf!
Well! I'll have none of that, thank you.
I dare say, they are not. Anytime one goes about the countryside, one should be properly attired in a manner befitting their conveyance.
Next thing you know we'll be having to endure people driving their motorcars without gloves or scarf!
Well! I'll have none of that, thank you.
pwns on the segway.