Jim Andrews of Chicago is on a mission to open a chain of hot dog stands and hire ex-convicts to give them a new start in life. That's a noble aim, but some neighbors object to the name he chose for the business. Felony Franks uses a hot dog behind bars as its logo.
2nd Ward Alderman Bob Fioretti likes the idea of employing ex-felons but hates the name.
He thinks the name and the sign glorify crime.
"Felony Franks? The home of the misdemeanor wiener? Food so good it's criminal? You are actually in a sense elevating the life of crime here in our city and we cannot tolerate that."
John Hunt, an ex-felon who lives several block away, agrees with the alderman.
"It's a good thing if he's going to hire ex-felons because... that's a beautiful thing. But the name? He should change the name... Felony Franks is still making me feel like a felon."
Andrews plans to open his first stand next month. Link -via Unique Daily
More Power To Mr. Andrews... Where do I sign up to get MY franchise?
Props to the founder of the place if it draws business and is successful.