Eat Your Sushi Now, Tuna Will Be Wiped Out By 2012

Tunas at the Tsukiji Fish Market. Photo: Fisherman (Wikipedia)

Psst! Love your tuna sashimi? Well, eat up because they may not be around much longer. The World Wildlife Fund has a dire report saying that unless current fishing practices are changed, tunas will be wiped out by 2012:

The population can only be saved by a complete halt to fishing in May and June, when the fish swim to the Mediterranean to spawn, the WWF says. The call comes as the two month tuna fishing season begins.

'Bluefin tuna is collapsing as we speak and yet the fishery will kick off for business as usual,' said Sergi Tudela, of WWF. 'It is absurd and inexcusable to open a fishing season when stocks of the target species are collapsing.'


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Poor Tuna. ): It really is the end of the world if the Tuna dies... Wow. Kioinkydink. It's so random that they die out when it's "The End Of The World". Gah... idiots... Two words...
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Tuna's horrible anyway, along with most fish. I wonder if we'll notice qnything wrong when the oceqn's bare? When our teqcher qsked us if the mediterrqneqn was polluted or not, 5/6 of the class said it wasn't. In fact the mediterranean is the most polluted ocean in the world. That's how detatched most of humanity is from nature. Only when we're sweltering in 50°c will we notice how the world is around us.
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There is an Australian company (Clean Seas Tuna) that is looking to be the fist to successfully breed southern blue fin tuna. They have been able to replicate the difficult conditions required to promote spawning.

From memory the southern blue fin tuna they have spawned are now fingerlings and are quite healthy.

They have been working closely with a Japanese University and if successful they will be able to support the worlds tuna demand
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"Wow, some of the comments here are simply scary. "

Fukkin-a brother,

Lazy/ignorant people who seem to think that all is right with the world... Just crazy. Please do a little research before you mouth off.. There are many animals have gone extinct in the past 100 years. Many more failing (due to us.) It will continue to happen without serious changes in human/idiot behavior.
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