Bokito Viewers

These creepy eyeshades make you appear to look away when you're looking forward! They were inspired by a gorilla attack at the Rotterdam Zoo last May. The gorilla named Bokito attacked a woman, presumably because she had made eye contact with him. Health insurance company FBTO took advantage of the situation and issued "Bokito Viewers" to zoo visitors to protect them from gorilla attack. The glasses were conceived by advertising agency DDB Amsterdam. Link -via the Presurfer

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This is an interesting idea but I wonder how effective it will be in the long run.

It would be nice to see zoos do a better job with teaching visitors how to act around different animals.

For example, with primates...
- Don't smile and don't show your teeth, and don't make direct eye contact. These are seen as aggressive behavior.
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Might I also add that the woman that was attacked was a freak. She had a year-pass to the zoo and came to visit "her" Bokito everyday and would just stare straight at him for hours. No wonder he got sick and tired of her and she deserved to get her ass kicked. And the zoo management should have kicked her dumb ass out in the first place.
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Olympic athletes jump twice that far. I would figure a gorilla could handle 4 meters with ease. Maybe they just never thought someone would mean mug a gorilla to the extent that he felt like he had to jump the moat and handle his business

There is an enormous silver back at the zoo here and I am positive that he could easily get through the plexi that separates him from the public. Even if he couldnt break it I think he could probably push the entire wall down. Its a bit sad to see such an incredible animal in a zoo.
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The zoo was desigend so that the gorrila supposedly could not reach the people, but they dint figure a gorilla would jump a 4 meter (16 feet) moat. Also never happent in te many decades the zoo was open.
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