Waking the Baby Mammoth

This is pretty cool: National Geographic Channel has a fantastic feature titled Waking the Baby Mammoth, about the discovery of a well-preserved body of a baby woolly mammoth:

Only a handful have ever been found before. But none like her. Her name is Lyuba. A 1-month-old baby mammoth, she walked the tundra about 40,000 years ago and then died mysteriously. Discovered by a reindeer herder, she miraculously re-appeared on a riverbank in northwestern Siberia in 2007. She is the most perfectly preserved woolly mammoth ever discovered. And she has mesmerized the scientific world with her arrival - creating headlines across the globe.

Link | More Videos - Thanks Minjae!

Previously on Neatorama: Scientists Took CT Scans of a Baby Mammoth

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It's really scary to think how close we (scientific community) came to never finding her. Just think of how many others have been found, but where seen as bad omens or bad luck and left to rot.

It is time to clone her and then breed her with a pig. I want a pot-bellied mammoth of my own!
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If you read the 'Polar Shift' novel from Clive Cussler you'll find amazing similarities (on the mammoth find, not the rest). When reality meets fiction.

I don't care that much of global warming (we'll die anyway), but it should bring some interesting discoveries with the permafrost melting.
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