10 Smart people that died in really stupid ways

Darwining oneself isn't limited to toothless rednecks who want you to hold their beer so you can watch this... plenty of smart, talented people have met their end in incredibly dumb ways as well. Here's 10 of them, in alphabetical order.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by cbz3000.

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This was a very - erm - eclectic list. Not sure how they were measured as "smart" people.

The story about Aeschylus is most likely apocryphal, and is more of a joke about baldness than any reflection on his intelligence.

I did notice no women on the list...?
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I wouldn't call most of those people "smart"... maybe talented at something but with a few exceptions most of them do not enter into the category of smart... (the 18 years old Pope? Attila?...)
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Can you imagine being a soldier in Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I's army?

HRE Fred: Damn, I need a drink.

Knight 1: Wait, sir! You should take off...oh. OH!

Knight 2: Hey Bill, where's the king?

Knight 1: Um...(points to the water)

Knight 2: Huh? Oh...OH!

Knight 3: Hey guys, where's the king?

Knights 1&2: (points)

Knight 3: Well, now what do we do? This whole march through the desert was his idea.


Knight 43: Did you hear about the king? He jumped into the river and drowned!

Knight 44: What with the what now?
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