Best Cities in the World to Live In (For Guys)

Our pal AskMen has a neat (and somewhat controversial) list of the 29 Best Cities to Live In (if you're a guy), based on various criteria such as sports & entertainment, power & money, dating & sex, fashion and so forth (all things important to guys, I suppose).

Sitting at no. 3 is the place I used to live nearby, San Francisco:

Why You Should Live in San Francisco

San Francisco is a cityscape of irresistible drama. Steep hills and skyscrapers overlook a gorgeous bay that changes color with the sky. That drama filters into every aspect of the city’s life, from its topsy-turvy power politics to its go-hard recreation (3,480 acres of parks including three golf courses) and go-harder nightlife (including 2,870 bars). Since the days of the Barbary Coast, San Francisco has boasted one of the great bar and dining cultures, and is home to some of the best restaurants in North America, claiming one restaurant for every 279 people.

The louche life notwithstanding, San Francisco was the healthiest city in the U.S. in 2008, at least according to USA Today. Just outside the city lay miles of vineyards producing some of the world's great wines. The city abounds with classic men’s stores including local favorites Cable Car Clothiers and The Hound. San Francisco is a creative sector powerhouse, with LucasArts located right in the city’s famed Presidio. The city’s boy-to-girl ratio (male: 51%; female: 49%) doesn’t seem promising at first, but remember this is San Francisco, so you can shave a good 8% to 10% off the competition right there. Be advised that women here are the cream of the brain trust -- San Francisco was named one of the top 10 smartest cities by Forbes last year -- so the kind of “hey baby” come-on that works in L.A. or Miami Beach ain’t gonna work here.

Link to the entire list (See if you agree with their no. 1 pick) - Thanks Daniel!

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More like, 29 Best Cities to Live In if you're a corporate bore fest. *yawn*

Here's my pick #2 SF #1 LA!!! Oh yeah, that article must be old--Kobe has a 'chance' at a title ;)~
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Dear AskMen,

Make the list a list, not 29 pages I have to sift through to see if my city is in there. It's real easy, page 1 should have links to all those pretty pages. If I wanted more info, I'd click the link.

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This is obviously some sort of mental disorder, and if you read the attached article, it kind of makes sense (in an odd sort of way). It's apparently a control thing. Well, think about it. An inanimate object can never talk back or hurt your feelings (but if it does, that's probably a sign of some other mental disorder)!
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Allowing gay marriage will not open the door to allowing other forms of unconventional, and even twisted "marriage". I wish people would let go of that stupid idea that they use as an excuse to rob gay people of basic rights and lower them to the level of a mentally ill or otherwise sick individual that would marry a wall or a tower or a sheep. I'm not even gay, and I find that idea completely insulting.

Off the soap box... I agree with Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. Marrying an inanimate object is a control thing. It has to be, because there is really no other benefit involved, and I don't even want to think about the physical side of things if they exist at all. :P
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If a man is allowed to marry another man, every US citizen will immediately be legally required to marry a dog. The people who refuse will be sent to internment camps and will be summarily terminated by our lizard overlords who rule from the inside of the earth. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
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There's a tower in Kansas City that's way more phallic than either of em. Google the Liberty Memorial Tower and tell me it ain't packing.
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