The Beauty of Molten Iron

[YouTube - Link]

In Nuanquan, China there is a unique tradition dating back about 500 years to celebrate the Lantern Festival. Instead of using fireworks like any old place - or that the fact that fireworks were invented in China back in the 12th century - these folks celebrate it by using something a bit more dangerous and beautiful with molten iron which is then flung at a wall creating a cascade of sparks. What do they use for protection? Sheep skins and a hat...

**I highly recommend watching this clip by clicking on the High Quality button to really enjoy it!

via - Gizmodo

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Vaguely related, if you want some night-time sparkly fun, tie a wad of wire wool to an 8' wire, light it and whirl it round your head. Don't do this near anything damaged by sparks - like car paintwork or even windows!

Fun, though.
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