Spanish police seized a 42-piece dinnerware set from a man who received the delivery. The blue plates, cups, and bowls decorated with sunflowers turned out to be made from 45 pounds of cocaine!
It was sent by recorded delivery from Venezuela to Barcelona via London.
Now police have arrested a 35-year-old Spanish man, known only as JVLL, who is believed to have received the crockery in the mail, after an international investigation.
They believe JVLL was forced into the deal by Venezuelan drug lords. The dealers had hoped to treat the drug and then sell it in Catalonia, police said.
Comments (22)
Grampy Captain Trips? When you were young you didn't happen to come across his magic suitcase in basement did you?
I also, as a rule, always wear shoes that I can run in. So I select dress shoes carefully.
Fanny pack: reading glasses; pen; cell; camera; meds; pepper spray and tissues.
Pockets: wallet; pen knife; keys with USB; second wallet for any criminals that happen by; chap stick; clip knife in my waistband.
By now you realize I live in the city :) I'd carry a gun, but it's against the law here and they say the police are supposed to protect me.
backpack: LLBean Turbo Transit backpack (black), external hard drive in case logic case (with ipod/usb connector), headphones, a couple of books, pens, 2nd gen ipod touch, pen shaped mini screwdriver, Altoid tin with extra screw tips and other effluvia, mouse, Lenovo laptop (so the kid doesn't wash this one with a bottle of water, like the last laptop).... and random parts of toys from the 5 year old (stuff i almost stepped on). I'm slowly working on creating a mobile office in a backpack. Hopefully (and slowly given my limited extra income), i'll be able to condense/add a few things to make it a small office i can carry on my back.