Nanotechnology Explained with Puppetry

[YouTube - Link]
Graduate students Patrick Bennett and Ryan Miyakawa at UC Berkeley made an entry for the "What is Nano" video competition, where people submit their explanations of what exactly nanotechnology means.

However, instead of a boring lecture with slides, they made an amazing Sesame Street-style musical, complete with homemade puppets! (The singer is Glory Liu)

Link to competition.

- via physorg

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by easf.

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One of my pet peves is when people use "Ordinary" as a rhyme with "Extrordianry"! It's the same word with 'extra' on the front, and thus not even a real rhyme! (and in commercials, at least, the announcer says it like it's an amazing and clever wordplay).
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beware will lead to a "nano inhalation hazard" whereas your body gets invaded by billions on nanobots hell bent on whatever their original task was when you inadvertently get exposed to them at a nanofactory. you heard it from ole Skidworth first....Nano Inhalation Hazard, the new asbestosis!
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