Hello everyone! Just a little update on the going ons in the world of Neatorama:
Mystery Sale: Thank you to everybody who participated! This was our third and best Mystery Sale ever! Due to the high volume of orders, it'll take our warehouse about two to three weeks to ship out the Mystery sale orders - regular orders won't be affected and will ship out in just about one business day.
Some of you didn't get the automatic email receipts from the store: for some reason it seems like sbcglobal.net as well as a couple other ISPs decided that our emails are spam and nuked it en route. This is a problem we've discussed before on Neatorama, so if you have one of these emails, perhaps it's time to switch to Gmail.
Neatorama Upcoming Queue: A few naughty submitters were caught gaming the system - so we've instituted a few safeguards. For instance, now the submitter's info is anonymized during the voting period. This ensures that the focus of the vote is the post, and not the poster.
Rogue Ads: I've gotten an email saying that there's been a rogue banner ad on Neatorama. I spent all morning hunting for it, and it seems that we've located and banned the guilty party, but if you do see a NSFW ad on the blog, please let me know!
Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt Winner: Last week, we had our 8th Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt. The winner has been announced in the answer page.
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