Best Resume Ever

I posted this resume in my blog almost 2 years ago and suddenly is getting a lot of hits. I guess that with unemployment raising people are looking for good examples of resumes... and once you read this one, you can't help but pass it on!

This is definitely a great example of how to do the best with the worst. The guy making the job search spent his last 10 years in jail for trafficking marijuana but he didn't let that small detail stop him and he managed to make you see his past under a new light.

Some highlights of the resume are:

"... I co-owned and participate in the executive level management of 120 people worldwide in a successfull pot smuggling venture with revenues in excess of 100 million annualy..."; "I am well-traveled and I speak English, French and Spanish"; "References available from friends, family, US District Attorney, etc".

Seriously, his resume (published as an ad under "employment wanted" in Canada) is priceless and a great example of how you can come clean and even make something of it!


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by scbr.

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This was placed in the National Post by Brian O'Dea in 2001. He grew up in Newfoundland, in a neighbourhood not too far from where I'm am right now. He released a book about his exploits in '06. Interesting read.
More info:'Dea
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