Sending Awesomeness and Obscenities into the World One Stitch at a Time.

A collection of cross stitch awesomeness. This blog features works by Shanna of "St!#ch Out Loud."  Sure these pieces may have hearts and flowers, but they also feature sexual innuendos, profanities and David Hasselhoff. A perfect addition to any humble abode, cubicle or bar stool setting. 

Lastest posted works include:

- Make Awkward Sexual Advances Not War

- Cowboy M-Fer

- David Hasselhoff

- Debauchery

The bonus is Shanna's "super hilarious" and "witty" commentary.  Check it. Check it.

The world fell in love with David Hasselhoff for his hair, his car named KITT, his mad lyrics and tunes, his lifeguard tan, his pugs, his drunken rages, and most of all his sexy.

This is my latest in celeb "man candy" pieces - capturing the greatness that is the Hoffenator.



From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by shanbanan.

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