In the fossilized hyena waste they collected they found the remains of human hair dated 195,000 to 257,000 years ago! This predates the earliest known sample of human hair by 200,000 years.
She and her team removed a 9.8-inch block of calcified hyena waste from a brown hyena latrine found in the cave. Such latrines are only used by one animal and are typically demarcated areas that measure about 6 feet round in size.
The researchers then extracted 40 hairs from a single coprolite using fine tweezers. Although amino acid analysis detected no protein, and DNA sampling was not possible, very high magnification revealed that the size and shape of the hairs, along with their distinct cuticular scale patterns, best matched those of human hair.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Geekazoid.
Oh and to quote Gandhi "I like your Jesus, but I don't like your Christians."
Like jbh said evolution has nothing to do with the creation of life. Abiogenesis, physics, chemistry... these are all our good efforts.
To speak of something from nothing is little more than parroting western philosophy of greece, much of which has dictated the translations of the bible. This same philosophy was a foundation of numbers (dating from the egyptian finds of geometry, to Pythagoras and Aristotle), that excluded the number zero from mathematics for centuries... a serious drawback in the acceleration of mathematics, science, and technology. Had this philosophy never existed Greeks would have very well discovered calculus, and solved Zeno's paradoxes with simplicity. Point being this flawed philosophy is still holding modern progression back.
If god is infinite, what excludes the universe from such a luxury?
Lastly... what numbers don't add up? I only have a few ideas at what you're trying to get at.
4.5 billion > 6,000 years (TOTAL MELTDOWN!)?
You seem to be confusing evolution (species changing over time) with abiogenesis (the origin of life). Evolution is not about something from nothing, it's about living things changing over time.
It's a very common misconception that evolution has anything to say about where life came from in the first place. It doesn't. While we have some clues about how life came about on our planet, it is true that this is still something of a mystery. Happily, unknown does not equal unknowable; we'll figure it out eventually!