Sustainable Water Bottles

Brand Image has set out to change the way we drink bottled water.  In an effort to enhance the consumer drinking experience and create a sustainable alternative to plastic bottles the designers have created the 360 Paper Bottle.

It's the first 100% recyclable paper container and is made entirely from renewable resources. The paper packaging is food-safe and can hold a variety of liquids, making it the perfect alternative to traditional water containers.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by whitespace.

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Hi, i guess al of you people take your metal or plastis refillable water with you when you visit us in barcelona...or other vacacion place...i se here so many people with those plasticwater is a shame people won´t use it because it not the typical botle or does not fit in a cupholder...come life is much complicated than that... shure they have thought a lot to make this product.... and if the product is not fitting your creteria of what is sustainable...redesign it...make it better... that will really help... Thanks //Alfredo
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The intent is there but just not designed or marketed very well. When it comes to our drinking habits we are very particular. I cannot see anyone using this for what they are suggesting. If your going to put yourself out there with these better have a great design and good marketing, otherwise your going to fail. Pretty pictures won't win us over. Keep trying. Stainless Steel and a recyclable plastic water bottles are your best bet. Both reusable and recyclable.
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We live in a disposible society, better things come out everyday so it's out with the old, in with the new. Most people won't change unless they are put in a situation where they are forced to.
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