The Oval Office Desk

The story of where the desk in the Oval Office came from is more intricate and exciting than you ever imagined.
In 1845, famed explorer Sir John Franklin set out in the Terror and Erebus to discover the Northwest Passage, thought to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a water route above Canada. Last seen by a whaling ship in Baffin Bay, the Franklin expedition disappeared into the Arctic wilderness.

Years passed and, despite the ample stores the expedition had laid in, concern grew. The British Admiralty launched a rescue mission in 1852, led by Captain Belcher, aboard the Resolute, Pioneer, Assistance, North Star and Intrepid. Captain Belcher, a scientist, circumnavigator, war hero, venereal wife-suer, and controversially well-loved or hated explorer, bottled some beer for this cruise which resulted in the biggest and most expensive ebay mistake ever made.

You might wonder what any of this quote has to do with the Oval Office. For this to make sense, you'll have to read the whole story. And then follow the many links for more information. Link

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For some reason as I read that I began to think of Christopher Walken's lecture to Butch about his dad's watch, in Pulp Fiction.

So I began to have a terrible suspicion that the desk had been smuggled into America up someones ass.
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Yeah as others have mentioned, it was in National Treasure 2, its the Resolute Desk. It was open-faced until FDR put the front panel on to hide his wheelchair.

And contrary to the movie, the matching desk isn't in the Queen's office. Its actually more of a small table and its in a sailing museum in New England.
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