Cat Adopts A Bunny

Remind me to bookmark this for Mother's Day emails. Who could resist a cat that has adopted a bunny as part of its litter?

Link Via Woman's Day

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If I did that, then I wouldn't have cats very long. As I said before, cars kill the cats, coyote kill the cats, hawks and owls kill the cats. If they weren't having litters now and then I would just have to keep getting cats from elsewhere. I'm not about to pay someone to "fix" a good cat that isn't broken, and most likely won't live very long anyway. I don't even name these cats. What I'd like to do is "fix" some of the rabbits, woodchucks, and deer around here.
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My husband's family live on a farm as well, their own pet dogs and cats frequently kill the rabbits in the area and whatever else they can get ahold of which isn't much, but they still get them fixed. Just b/c you want them to do a certain job doesn't mean you should let them breed like crazy....... just my opinion :D
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No, that's not it at all. These are barn cats. I only have them so they will kill mice and rabbits. My dog also kills and eats baby rabbits. They are not feral, although in the summertime I have to feed them a bit more or they might go feral. Sometimes I won't see some of them for days. They almost can't spawn enough new kittens to keep up with the ones lost to cars, coyotes, hawks, and owls. These are not pet cats or dogs; they have jobs.
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