About a year ago, some third-year students at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy created a Calvin and Hobbes scene for fellow students and faculty to enjoy. They even trucked in extra snow to cover up their footprints so the snowmen appeared to be there of their own accord. Awesome.
Comments (7)
Too funny! Don't forget that he's holding an ice cream scoop, and standing behind another snowman with several scoops missing.
I had also completed two of the "Egad, Bad Dad." protesting snowmen, as well as the one with a hole shot through his belly by a cannonball.
I was in the process of the yard of horrors, when an elderly neighbor had rung up the house and informed my mother of what "atrocities" I was commiting on "the decent wholesome image of snowmen."
Their photos were taken with an oldfashioned camera, I wish they had digital cams back then, so I could post the images.
"That guy's a goner."