Mac vs. PC

The age-old question, which is better: Mac or PC? is finally being settled mano-a-mano. Here's a short yet highly entertaining clip by Dan Chianelli and Nick Greenlee. The production quality is unbelievable!

Don't miss this one: Link [embedded YouTube clip]

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I work w/ Mac for over 10 years, as a video and film editor. Just to try, I decided to give a shot to PC, so i bought a very robust computer that I build myself,customized for video & graphics. The truth is...I discover that PC is better. Why?,because my mac cost me a lot in repairs over the years, w/ the dam randomly shut down problem.New prosessors, new logic board, new hard drives (2),So much problems, and a lousy mac support, but I always was a Mac fan and user.
Today ,Iam editing and doing all my work w adobe in the PC, and I will keep on. My Mac is in a desk, broke again, death! The quality of my work is exactly the same,and the beauty of all this is, that if my PC brake,the parts won't cost so crazy like Mac parts.
When you are serious in video and graphics, you use the computer many many hours, and the machines are in a risk that anything can happen after hundreds of hours of work. You believe this, I pay 800.00 for a logic board for a mac! With that, you can buy a PC! Conclussion: I will never go back to Mac! Now I am doing the same work and the maintenance is costing me le$$$$!
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If you have the computer-savy to do it, opensource is the way to go.

One of the things that people never seem to bring up is the fact that Mac doesn't make hard-core servers like the kind businesses would need. When has anyone ever walked into a server room o a major business and seen towers and racks of Macs? If Mac did make a competitive server and started getting it out there, maybe they could get the sales like Windows does.
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Geez, it can be made on either. Seriously people, the only difference there has been between these two types is just a frigg'in OS. That's it, it's been that way for years. All the large software developers make their product available to both. Only difference hardware wise is a Mac's closed architecture prevents compatibility issues from coming up (which on PCs these days just happens with video cards ATI vs nVidia). It's also great if your idea of upgrading is throwing out the old machine and getting a new one. But that's no me, I like tweaking, I like gutting PCs and upgrading things myself. Laptops on the other hand for PC and Mac are closed architecture to begin with (unless you know what your doing). I hear Mac Books are popular, but I don't know what sales are like between the two and I doubt I really care.
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