Now kids can play airport more realistically with this Playmobil security checkpoint. Comes with a free box of latex gloves. via Radley Balko, who found the customer reviews hilarious.
Where's the Play Mobil TSA Groping those who don't want blasted with X-Rays every time you fly.
Opt-out !! Opt-out !!
Next should be the Play Mobil FEMA Camp play set.
Or the Martial Law Town play set.
These can be relating play sets that connect.
Of course everyone would love the SWAT TEAM That comes with every set. I am being Sarcastic .
These play sets can be used to help condition our youth to the Police State the New World Order is Building around us. Cameras everywhere,Liar Main Stream Media distracting us from serious issues relating to our personal freedoms and private space.
Great idea.
The Checkpoint is funny.Expand on it.Help defeat the NWO !! Send it to