139-year-old Baseball Card Found

Bernice Gallego of Fresno, California had no idea what the baseball card she found in her attic might be worth, so she listed it on eBay with a starting bid of $10. After a few inquiries about the card, she pulled the auction and decided to have the card appraised.
Turns out her hunch was correct. She did have something more valuable. The card she found was made in 1869 and featured the "Red Stocking B.B. Club of Cincinnati," the sport's first professional team. It's considered one of the first baseball cards ever produced and its actual value could be worth more than $100,000 when she puts it back on eBay (with a higher starting price, of course).

The 72-year-old was quite surprised. She has never even been to a baseball game! Link -Thanks, Geekazoid!

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They needed a laser? How about a made-in-Taiwan hot iron? Would that work as well and at a Fraction of the cost? This is why you don't Need Apple.
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To eat this pie, you have to upgrade your mouths firmware.

If this had been baked in using traditional methods, then fine, but using a laser is cheating.
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"they cost 8$ to make and i pee on every one. i've made a fortune of you chumps and ive invested it all in microsoft...now my boyfriend, bill gates, and i kiss each other on a pile of your money" - bart simpson as 'steve mobs'....haha...then the first commercial break has an iphone commercial...
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this pie, like Apple's recent philosophical blunders, is half-baked:
no firewire ports in standard laptops, dumbed-down versions of imovie and FCexpress mean I'm supposed to buy more expensive software AND hardware...
and what about those AMAZING 'apps' for the iPhone - when I see those ads on tv, i think for certain that if this is what the almighty Apple offers as 'entertainment'? or whatever that sh*t is for, then we are doomed to have stoooooooopider humans. Apple needs to eat some Humble pie and get with the program
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