Vintage Cereal Boxes

Nostalgic for your childhood? No doubt The Imaginary World's vintage cereal box gallery will conjure up images of Saturday morning cartoons and massive sugar rushes. And even if you were more of the oatmeal type, some of the boxes are at least pretty interesting to look at. Does anyone remember Sir Grapefellow cereal? I've never heard of it, but "grape flavored oat cereal" doesn't sound too appealing to me. And be sure to check out "Grins and Smiles and Giggles and Laughs."

Link via Slashfood via lemondrop.

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Anyone remember Puffa Puffa Rice? I referenced that cereal when I saw my neighbor's hand-made outrigger canoe. He thought I was crazy...

Yeah, QUISP!!
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I remember coco puffs had a special box that the back popped open like a pop up book and had a game that you used the cereal to play. It was kind of a gravity fed pin ball kinda thing. Anyone else remember that?
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