Dog-Powered Scooters

Neatorama reader Mark Schuette told us of his invention: a new mode of transportation powered by ... dogs!

Though dog mushing is an old sport, Mark's new twist lets you have your own urban Iditarod on a dog-powered scooter, trike, or skateboard.

Link - Thanks Mark!

Hey, it's a win-win scenario. It's exercise for the dogs and fun for you (Better than this form of doggie exercise!)

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In The Netherlands, using a dog as a power source is forbidden by law, since 1961.

Before that time it was dog scooters, carts, cabs, taxi's, busses galore in Holland.

But no kidding: There's an exception, since 1996, for mushing, but only for certain dogs. This version, the scooter, wouldn't be allowed.

And IMO rightly so! Looks rather dangerous, to the dog as well as the rider.

In Holland we have a kind of thingy with a spring to attach a dog safely to our bikes, for training.

See picture:
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In The Netherlands, using a dog as a power source is forbidden by law, since 1961.

Before that time it was dog scooters, carts, cabs, taxi's, busses galore in Holland.

But no kidding: There's an exception, since 1996, for mushing, but only for certain dogs. This version, the scooter, wouldn't be allowed.

And IMO rightly so! Looks rather dangerous, to the dog as well as the rider.

In Holland we have a kind of thingy with a spring to attach a dog safely to our bikes, for training.

See picture: (There's an exception, since 1996, for mushing, but only for certain dogs)
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I hate to be the downer here but this idea is sooooooooo old it's not even funny. I come to Neatorama expecting cool new things. I saw a video of this at least 4 years ago.
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