Welcome to Sandy Paws Creative Grooming Shop. Let me introduce you to things you never thought could be done to a poodle. Exhibit A) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle dog. Please review the site for further examples including a camel, a peacock and a dragon.
Link Via Joshua Bearman
Comments (26)
I agree with you totally. But you do have to admit that lady is at least a "little" wierd in her obsession of "grooming" her dog. LOL
I agree with Justin and LisaL.
The dog does not appear to be harmed or abused.
Dog's do not care if their hairstyle does not match their collar.
Let's face it, papers are dead because of the decision making publishers. 'Toons are dying within the papers for the same reason. They are not really interested in readers. They are interested in advertisers and not getting complaints.
Fear does the opposite of motivate and therein lies the core of the parody.