Holland's coffee shop chain CoffeeCompany installed free WiFi to attract university students. Problem is, they come into the store to use the WiFi but never even looked at the menu. So the company and THEY Amsterdam ad agency got creative:
THEY periodically changed the wireless network name from the normal "CoffeeCompany" to hardselling headlines. So when students connected to the network, they were greeted with headlines in their WiFi menu like "HaveYouTriedTheCarrotCake?" or "Mmm...YummyMuffinsOnly1,99".
The best part came when people yelled across the room to ask the barista what the name of the WiFi network was and the barista answered one of the WiFi lines like "OrderAnotherCoffeeAlready."
Also, around here (Denver) you're expected to pay more for internet then you paid for your coffee, so about $5 for a little internet time, unless you go into one of the small (i.e. non-franchised) cafes.