The Chainsaw Bayonet

I'm not a fan of chainsaws as anti-zombie weapons, despite their use by the great Ash. But this variant of the chainsaw intrigues me. It's a small chainsaw mounted on a semi-automatic rifle as a bayonet. It would make the rifle absurdly heavy, but it would also provide some safety in the event that a zombie gets within four or five feet -- when the rifle would become ineffective.

(Video Link)

I'm rethinking the Max Brooks-endorsed M1 carbine as my anti-zombie weapon of choice. .30 carbine ammo is rather unusual, and in the event of a Stage 4 zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't want to be scrounging around for it in vain.

Neatorama readers, what is your preferred anti-zombie weapon?

Via Confederate Yankee

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For LOBOs, see a Shaolin Spade.

For the zombies you're talking about, I'd probably go with a Glock 9mm w/ 33 round clip, a Winchester .30-.30 since the ammo is really common (besides, it's FUN to shoot), a Shaolin Spade or Ninjato... and a HK417 (for way long range if i could get my hands on a military rifle), and if not that, a SL8-6 with wood-lined stock and extended mag, since they fire .223 Remington OR 5.56x45mm NATO. A little much to carry, but the SL8's only for long distances.
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also, defense, wrap urself up in some sort of material that wont hinder your movement too much, cut out eye and mouth holes, and voila! ur harder to bite
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Pol x

That's actually a really good idea! Here we are talking about surviving a zombie apocalypse and I get stuck on conventions like "spears should only have one point".
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