NaNoWriMo Success!!

I won! 50,039 words with three hours to spare. How did the rest of you NaNo participants do? Will you do it again next year? Are you celebrating? I am, although it's a pretty meager celebration: a beer and some guilt-free Internet surfing. Leave a comment and let us know how you ended up!

And, previously on Neatorama:
NaNoWrimo is Upon Us
NaNoWriMo Progress
The Ravings of a Mad (almost) Novelist

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Congrats! I didn't do NaNoWriMo this year, but I know a lot of people on who did. (WEbook is a writing website where I work as an editor.) I'm a writer and editor who works with writers to get novels ready for publication, so I'm writing a guide to revising a first draft of a novel to help out all my NaNoWriMo friends. Thought you might be interested:
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Made it, too... 56000-plus words or so (215 words per page, 264 handwritten pages, haven't typed past about page 130 or so). Working on another one, now, at the same 2K rate. I felt kind of guilty at first since I used the premise of a story I'd written over the summer, but since the novel version is over six times longer, and actually only uses about two pages' worth of old material, and because they allow fan fic, I figure I was just writing my own fan fic when I did this.
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I haven't written something for years now... In fact i haven't painted since I got married. Maybe it's all linked, or I'm just horrible at finishing things.
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