Straight Up Chess

Steve of Straight Up Chess makes chess boards that are so good that you'd want to hang 'em up in a picture frame. The wall-mounted chess boards are made from gorgeous cherry, walnut, and maple hardwoods and better yet: they're playable! You don't need a table to play chess anymore:

These boards are designed for a casual game of chess. You make your move and mark it as 'Last Move'. Later your opponent passes by, makes their move, marks it as 'Last Move' and the game continues. In our busy office we play 1 to 2 games a week.

Link - via Rocky Rook

Comments (16)

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Newest 5 Comments

This actually is a great idea.

I love chess but never have the patience to sit down and play it for 20+ minutes.

Walk by, look for a minute, move, hit the button, one anonymous move after another, a victor emerges.
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